The QUERY Function


A large part of this article is copied from the official Google documentation with commentary added, and may not have been reviewed in its entirety.


The QUERY function allows the user to make SQL-lite queries using the Google Visualization API Query Language on arrays. This article details the exact specifications of QUERY in Google Sheets. For relevant techniques, see QUERY Smush and QUERY Arithmetic. For an introduction to QUERY, see QUERY Basics.

Function Syntax

QUERY(data, [query], [headers])

Query Syntax

"[select] [where] [group by] [pivot by] [order by] [skipping] [limit] [offset] [label] [format] [options]"

Query syntax is divorced from formula syntax, instead following the Google Visualization API Query Language. Queries are characterized by three important parts.

  1. Language Clauses
    • These are the broader elements that define the query.
  2. Data Manipulation Functions
    • These expand the capabilities of the query, allowing one to apply aggregation, scalar, and arithmetic functions.
  3. Language Elements
    1. These consist of literals, identifiers, and reserved words. They are used throughout the query.

Language Clauses

Language clauses determine how information is gathered and processed.

Clause Usage
select Selects which columns to return, and in what order. If omitted, all of the table's columns are returned, in their default order.
where Returns only rows that match a condition. If omitted, all rows are returned.
group by Aggregates values across rows.
pivot Transforms distinct values in columns into new columns.
order by Sorts rows by values in columns.
limit Limits the number of returned rows.
offset Skips a given number of first rows.
label Sets column labels.
format Formats the values in certain columns using given formatting patterns.
options Sets additional options.
Each clause takes different arguments and has vastly different effects; there is no singular construction applicable to each.


select Col1
select 1
select Col1, sum(Col2)

The select clause includes columns, aggregates, and literals in the output. Terms should be comma separated, i.e. select Col1, Col2. Literals are uniformly expanded into vectors to match the number of rows in data. For example, =query(A1:A5, "select 1", ) returns a header (generated by the implied 1()) and five 1s, corresponding to the input rows.

The select clause additionally accepts the "*" term, signifying 'all' or 'everything.' If an aggregate is selected, a group by clause is mandatory.


select Col1 where Col1 is not null
select Col1, Col2 where Col1 <> 0 and Col2 <> 0

The where clause returns only rows that meet certain conditions. They use the same comparison operators as Google Sheets, with the redundant addition of !=, which is equivalent to <>. To compare against null, use is null or is not null.

In addition to these comparators, where uses the and, or, and not keywords in order to combine criteria. Parentheses may be used to specify order.

There are also additional keywords exclusive to the where clause.

Clause Usage
contains Substring match
starts with Prefix match
ends with Suffix match
matches Regular expression match1
like Wildcard match2

1 Regular expressions in QUERY are more extensive than the REGEX functions, constituting a full implementation.
2 There are two valid wildcards: % signifies zero or more arbitrary characters, and _ represents exactly one of any character.

Group By

select Col1, sum(Col2) group by Col1

The group by clause is used to aggregate values across rows. A single row is created for each distinct combination of values in the group-by clause. The data is automatically sorted by the grouping columns, unless otherwise specified by an order by clause.

If you use a group by clause, then every column listed in the select clause must either be listed in the group by clause, or be wrapped by an aggregation function.

This clause is mandatory when selecting aggregation functions.


select Col1, sum(Col2) group by Col1 pivot Col3

The pivot clause is used to transform distinct values in columns into new columns. This behavior is very similar to pivot tables.

If you use a pivot clause, then every column listed in the select clause must either be listed in the group by clause or be wrapped by an aggregation function. As a result, pivot is very frequently used with group by.

You can pivot by multiple columns. The resulting table has columns for every unique combination of those columns.

There is no native unpivot clause or function.

Order By

select Col1 order by Col2 desc

The order by clause is used to sort the rows by the values in specified columns. Ascending and descending is specified using asc and desc respectively.

Items in an order by clause can be column identifiers, or the output of aggregation functionsscalar functions, or operators.


select Col1 skipping 2

The skipping clause is used to select every nth row, starting from row 1 (i.e. row 1 is always included). This also means that skipping 1 has no effect. If an offset clause is used, skipping is applied first.


select Col1 limit 5

The limit clause is used to limit the number of returned rows. It can only accept integers.


select Col1 offset 5

The offset clause is used to skip a given number of first rows. If a limit clause is used, offset is applied first: for example, limit 15 offset 30 returns rows 31 through 45.


select Col1 label Col1 'Name'

The label clause is used to set the label for one or more columns. Note that you cannot use a label value in place of an ID in a query.

Items in a label clause can be column identifiers, or the output of aggregation functionsscalar functions, or operators.


select Col1 format Col1 'mmm'

The format clause is used to specify a formatted value for cells in one or more columns. The returned data should include both an actual value and a formatted value for each cell in a formatted column.


select Col1 options no_values

The options clause is used to control additional options for query execution. Possible keywords that can follow the options clause are:

Data Manipulation Functions

Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions are passed a single column identifier, and perform an action across all values in each group (groups are specified by group by or pivot clauses, or all rows if those clauses are not used).

Aggregation functions can be used in selectorder bylabelformat clauses. They cannot appear in wheregroup bypivotlimitoffset, or options clauses.

Name Description Supported Column Types Return Type
avg() Returns the average value of all values in the column for a group. number number
count() Returns the count of elements in the specified column for a group. Null cells are not counted. Any type number
max() Returns the maximum value in the column for a group. Dates are compared with earlier being smaller, strings are compared alphabetically, with case-sensitivity. Any type Same type as column
min() Returns the minimum value in the column for a group. Dates are compared with earlier being smaller, strings are compared alphabetically, with case-sensitivity Any type Same type as column
sum() Returns the sum of all values in the column for a group. number number

Scalar Functions

Scalar functions return literals by operating over zero or more parameters.

Scalar functions can be used in any of the following clauses: selectwheregroup bypivotorder by, label, and format.

year() Returns the year value from a date or datetime value. For example: year(date "2009-02-05") returns 2009.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime

Return Type: number
month() Returns the zero-based month value from a date or datetime value. For example: month(date "2009-02-05") returns 1. Note: the months are 0-based, so the function returns 0 for January, 1 for February, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime

Return Type: number
day() Returns the day of the month from a date or datetime value. For example: day(date "2009-02-05") returns 5.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime

Return Type: number
hour() Returns the hour value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: hour(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 12.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday

Return Type: number
minute() Returns the minute value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: minute(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 3.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday

Return Type: number
second() Returns the second value from a datetime or timeofday value. For example: second(timeofday "12:03:17") returns 17.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday

Return Type: number
millisecond() Returns the millisecond part of a datetime or timeofday value. For example: millisecond(timeofday "12:03:17.123") returns 123.

Parameters: One parameter of type datetime or timeofday

Return Type: number
quarter() Returns the quarter from a date or datetime value. For example: quarter(date "2009-02-05") returns 1. Note that quarters are 1-based, so the function returns 1 for the first quarter, 2 for the second, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime

Return Type: number
dayOfWeek() Returns the day of week from a date or datetime value. For example: dayOfWeek(date "2009-02-26") returns 5. Note that days are 1-based, so the function returns 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.

Parameters: One parameter of type date or datetime

Return Type: number
now() Returns a datetime value representing the current datetime in the GMT timezone.

Parameters: None

Return Type: datetime
dateDiff() Returns the difference in days between two date or datetime values. Note: Only the date parts of the values are used in the calculation and thus the function always returns an integer value. For example: dateDiff(date "2008-03-13", date "2008-02-12") returns 29; dateDiff(date "2009-02-13", date "2009-03-13") returns -29. Time values are truncated before comparison.

Parameters: Two parameters of type date or datetime (can be one of each)

Return Type: number
toDate() Transforms the given value to a date value.

- Given a date, it returns the same value.
- Given a datetime, it returns the date part. For example: toDate(dateTime "2009-01-01 12:00:00") returns "2009-01-01".
- Given a number N, it returns a date N milliseconds after the Epoch. The Epoch is defined as January 1,1970, 00:00:00 GMT. For example: toDate(1234567890000) returns "2009-02-13".

Parameters: One parameter of type datedatetime, or number

Return Type: date
upper() Returns the given string in upper case letters. For example: upper("foo") returns "FOO".

Parameters: One parameter of type string

Return Type: string
lower() Returns the given string in lower case letters. For example: lower("Bar") returns "bar".

Parameters: One parameter of type string

Return Type: string

Arithmetic Operators

The arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / all function as if array-enabled. They can only operate on numbers and accept both vectors and scalars.

Language Elements


Type Format
string string literal should be enclosed in either single or double quotes. Examples: "fourteen" 'hello world' "It's raining".
number Numeric literals are specified in decimal notation. Examples: `3  3.0  3.14  -71  -7.2  .6 `
boolean Boolean literals are either true or false.
date Use the keyword date followed by a string literal in the format yyyy-MM-ddExample: date "2008-03-18".
timeofday Use the keyword timeofday followed by a string literal in the format HH:mm:ss[.SSS] Example: timeofday "12:30:45".
datetime A date and a time, using either the keyword datetime or the keyword timestamp followed by a string literal in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss[.sss]Example: datetime '2008-03-18 12:30:34.123'


Identifiers refer to columns. There are only two valid identifier constructions in Google Sheets, which depend on whether the input is a virtual array or range.

Input Type Format Description
Virtual array Col# The # refers to the column index of the input.
Range AZ You can use a column letter as long as range data is provided.

Further Reading

  1. Ben L. Collins's Query Writeup
    1. Missing information on the pivot, format, and label clauses. Does not acknowledge most language elements, such as Col# constructions.
  2. Ben L. Collins's Query Course
    1. Goes further in-depth than his write-up, but costs $198.
  3. The r/sheets Wiki
    1. Covers practical use with several examples.
  4. ztiaa's BetterQuery
    1. This is a community-made named function that adds a new way to specify identifiers based on headers.